Website in process!

This is my first blog post on this website. I am "over the moon" with anticipation for the courses here to launch!

Dear reader,

Are you a singer? An actor? Or did you just stumble on this blog by accident? I am happy you are here! This is the place where I am about to share my experiences as a vocal teacher in several online courses. I know many of you are struggling with vocal technique, perhaps you are even overwhelmed by all the different methods there are, out there. 
So you might think "what is the use of just one more", it will not make things easier...

I can assure you that I have been there, and this is exactly where my courses are different: I look at it from the singer's point of view. Vocal technique can be overwhelming as it is, so why add to the confusion? My courses will bring you clear step-by-step guidance and... over 200 vocal exercises, that I will guide you through on the grand piano. They will be available on video and podcast, so you can even practise your voice while riding your bike!

I am so enthusiastic, I cannot wait to show you all I have in store for you. Interviews and helpful tips from voice experts, an e-book, yoga and stretching exercises created especially for singers, vocal health tips, lax vox instructions, and even recipes so that you can even work on your voice during dinner time, LOL.

I have packed all the valuable knowledge that I got from my teachers, in Italy, the USA, Spain and the Netherlands. 

These courses are for all styles of singing, and come from my education as a musical singer and classical singer, but is made with all the students, that I have taught the past 18 years, in mind: pop, jazz, etcetera. 

Singing is the most fun way to express yourself, and to become a professional singer is not a must, but is certainly the most wonderful thing there is. And how wonderful it is, to finally understand vocal technique, practise it, and use it in your performances, so they can be FREE, JOYFUL, AND PITCH PERFECT.

I am sure I can inspire you and add to this happy, wonderful thing: SINGING. Hold on for just a few weeks more... ;-)

Happy singing and love,
